

Team Chip Acronym:  Teachable Series


Imagine going into a class/seminar with a dry, flat, monotone instructor or teacher.  What kind of response would you expect?  If you’re a martial artist, and have been in a class like this, or even led one, you know… the response is not typically very a good one (at least that’s the way we see it).  The class gives back what you give.  This is one reason we at http://www.teamchiptkd.com require our instructors to recite this Instructor Creed regularly:

1. I will teach this class, like it is the most important class I will ever teach.

2. I am courteous, patient, and ENTHUSIASTIC.

3. I am strong, I lead by example.

4. I empower people thru the pursuit of personal martial arts excellence.

Now imagine an instructor/leader that comes in ENTHUSIASTIC and EXCITED to be there, and asking questions like “ARE WE GOING TO HAVE AN AMAZING CLASS/ACTIVITY TODAY?!!”  “ARE YOU READY TO LEARN SOME AMAZINGNESS?!!”  Their excitement is evident, it is almost palpable.   You can feel the energy and the enthusiasm, and the students give that right back.

When you ask these exciting questions, you are setting them up to be teachable!!  You are pre-framing a successful class/experience by indirectly telling them what you expect AND what they can expect.  The hard part…NOW YOU HAVE TO DELIVER!!  YOU CAN DO IT!

When you project enthusiasm, openly admit to your imperfections, and openly accept feedback, you show willingness, and a desire to learn (TO BE TEACHABLE).  You show that you’re enthusiastic, every day, to read something positive, to place yourself in settings of learning and growth.

Pop media/culture constantly shows us the negative.  You can turn on the news for 5 minutes and see any number of catastrophes; natural, and man-made.  This can quickly steal your enthusiasm!  People that are enthusiastic about learning and being teachable understand that they have to actively seek ways to find positive messages.  Does this mean stick your head in the sand and NOT know what’s going on in the world around you?  Absolutely not, but understand that in the news, dirt and awfulness sell.  Those are the things that keep so many people coming back for more…Sad but true!

Be intentionally educated, and don’t let the negative suck you in.  Keep positive messages around you, in books, audiobooks, and podcasts.  Listen to things that inspire and motivate you, not that discourage you.  To be an enthusiastic learner, you have to actively seek learning.  Oh, and don’t forget to SHARE what you learn!

What do you allow to steal your enthusiasm?  Now what can you do to remove that negativity from your daily routine?


Check out the Team Chip minute on Enthusiasm!!




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